This princess wife's tips, tricks, and mistakes for you to learn from...all in the name of being frugal!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Number One Rule!

Of all the possible things you could read on this blog, THIS is THE most important rule I (try to) follow!

Spend more to save more.

No, I am not telling you to go on a shopping spree.

Calm it down and read on.

The "more" I am talking about spending is not something you can touch.

This "more"  means time or energy.

The more time or energy you spend saving and being frugal means more in the bank account at the end of the month!

Which, for all my fellow practical people means this:

Sometimes you have to spend a little more time doing the background work so that your bank account/credit card/cash doesn't have to.

Spend some time on Pinterest pinning cheaper solutions to everyday life. (Yes, I am telling you to spend even MORE time on that addicting site!)

Spend a small bit of that time that you would have normally spent reading your Facebook news feed looking at the local grocery sales ad, because sometimes you find deals in unexpected places!

Spend the extra five minutes to clip the coupons out of the Sunday paper. (More to come on coupons!)

Spend the few seconds it takes to whip out your phone calculator to find the best price per unit.

Also, spend the energy to break down and repackage you cheaper bulk purchases into smaller sizes that work for your family.

If it helps (which it does in our family!) spend the extra effort to make up and freeze meals to deter the temptation to eat out when you don't feel like cooking.

No, it's not the easiest route, and often not the most fun, but I promise your bank account (and if you're like me, your spouse!) will thank you!

Love and Savings,
Mrs. Frugal Princess

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